Saturday, June 1, 2019

Karl Marx :: essays research papers

Karl Marx was the father of laissez-faire which means the survival of the fittest. Those who develop the about complex of societies, those with the most money and power are considered the fittest and have triumphed over the inferior. This occurs in order for community to move forward and create a fetch ethic for members of the working class to follow. This may only occur for members of the dominant group. Those who are non-white and non-male may not experience the same benefits. Poverty a signboard of inferiority because they dont have the power the fittest have.Those who owned the means of production were the fit individuals because this gave them power over the lower classes. Spencer argued against government interference to serve well the lower classes, he said that this would only go against the vivid evolution of mankind. The Welfare system, in Spencers critique is a system to help the parasites of society to survive. They drain the system that the capitalists have built. Over time these unfit classes would either improve or die off.Simple societies were like infants, which would either grow up, aided, ideally by the example of more advances adults, or not evolve and therefore die off. (Social Theory for a Change, P.53).These ideas were from a capitalist prospective. Spencer felt that an entirely impeccant market could work Marxs laissez-faire ideas backed the idea that government interference or regulation would once again only inhibit the natural evolution of society.Only laissez-faire (Free economy) capitalism, which permitted individuals to profit as they saw fit, would allow human happiness and further societal progress (P.49)Spencers ideas were imperialist because they aver that only the strongest/fittest of societies will last over time and inferior nations wouldnt be able to adapt to the changing world and would eventually disappear.

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